YouGov and Lord Ashcroft

YouGov has released a poll showing a 1% Conservative lead over Labour with CON 33%, LAB 32%, LDEM 7%, UKIP 15%, GRN 8%. On a uniform swing, Labour would be 11 seats short of a majority on a 3.1% swing from Conservative to Labour. Labour would be on 315 seats, the Conservatives would be on 287 seats and the Liberal Democrats would be on 19 seats. The Green Party are ahead of the Liberal Democrats and have recorded their highest ever score with that particular pollster. Lord Ashcroft has previously had them on 8%.

Lord Ashcroft has released his latest poll showing a 1% Labour lead over the Conservatives with CON 29%, LAB 30%, LD 9%, UKIP 16%, GRN 7%. On a uniform swing, Labour would be 4 seats short of a majority on a 4.1% swing from Conservative to Labour. Labour would be on 322 seats, the Conservatives would be on 265 seats and the Liberal Democrats would be on 32 seats.
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