European Union Referendum Date Announced

Last night David Cameron concluded his negotiation on the United Kingdom's relationship with the European Union. Today he has announced that the referendum will be held on Thursday 23rd June 2016, well before his own deadline of December 2017. Whether his deal is substantial enough to please the electorate is another matter. Fortunately this is a polling website so I leave the opinions to everyone else.

Will the United Kingdom leave the European Union?

At this stage it is difficult to tell as the polls are giving mixed messages. There is a big discrepancy between online and telephone polls. Online polls are showing a very tight race whereas telephone polls are showing a large lead for the Remain side. These polls are of course from before the deal was announced so they could move either way over the next few days. But please don't take the polls at face value. It is entirely possible that all the polls are wrong again.

Notice also that we still have a number of politicians whose position is still undeclared, the most notable of which is Boris Johnson. He carries enormous sway, evidenced by the fact that he won two London mayoral elections as a Conservative in a Labour stronghold.
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