Sinn Fein Target Seats

Below are lists of Sinn Fein target seats showing which constituencies can be most easily won from an opposing party relative to the latest elections.

Sinn Fein Target Seats 2029

Below is the list of Sinn Fein target seats for the 2029 general election. The list is ordered from the smallest to the largest swing needed for the seat to change hands.

View Sinn Fein held marginal seats vulnerable at the next general election.

(order by percentage majority)

RankConstituencyRegionMajority over SFSwing Needed
1.Londonderry EastNorthern Ireland1790.22%
2.FoyleNorthern Ireland4,1665.43%
3.Upper BannNorthern Ireland7,4067.82%
4.Antrim NorthNorthern Ireland3,9288.44%
5.Antrim SouthNorthern Ireland8,2779.65%
6.Antrim EastNorthern Ireland8,47618.07%
7.StrangfordNorthern Ireland12,76619.62%

View Sinn Fein held marginal seats vulnerable at the next general election.

2029 General Election
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