Marginal Seats Battleground

This page contains the election battlegrounds, i.e. marginal seats, for the 2029 general election, 2026 Scottish Parliament election and 2026 Senedd election. For general elections, these swing seats are indicative of the final outcome.

There are two kinds of battleground. Target seats (i.e. seats a party is looking to win) and defence seats (i.e. marginal seats already held by a particular party that are vulnerable to being lost).

» Target Seats
» Defence

Battleground Targets

These lists show which constituencies a particular party can most easily win from an opposing party relative to the latest elections. Each row contains a constituency's rank, its name, its region, its current majority and its swing needed.

Battleground Defence

These lists show which constituencies won by a particular party in the latest elections can be most easily lost. Each row contains a constituency's rank, its name, its region, its current majority and its swing to be defeated.

2029 General Election
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